





Sugara, Bayu. 2019. Cultural Values as Represented in the Pemali of Dayak Ngaju Community. Thesis. Postgraduate Program, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin. Advisor (I) Prof. Dr. H.Rustam, M.Pd., Ph.D., (II) Dr. Rusma Noortyani, M.Pd.




Key Words: value, representation, and pemali




This research aims to (1) describe the cultural values ??as represented
in the pemali belonging to the Dayak Ngaju community towards nature, (2) describe the cultural values ??as represented in the pemali belonging to the Dayak Ngaju community towards the human interaction, (3) describe the cultural values ??as represented in the pemali belonging to the Dayak Ngaju community towards the spiritual performance. This research uses (1) recording techniques, both audio and audiovisual, (2) recording, (3) in-depth interviews, (4) literature study and documentation analysis.


The results of the study show that the representation of cultural values ??of the pemali of the Dayak Ngaju Community in relation to nature includes: (1) the prohibition of not asking for permission when going to farming; (2) prohibition to kill animals carelessly while hunting; (3) prohibition of burning forest carelessly; (4) mapas lewu 'cleaning the village'; (5) manyanggar (‘someone should excuse me from the forest rangers’ otherwise it can cause danger and take victims); (6) prohibition of making images (statues) of animals carelessly in a forest inhabited by supernatural beings.


The representations of cultural values ??of the pemali of the Dayak Ngaju Community concerning the human interactions, including: (1) prohibitions against marrying in the wrong lineage or the same lineage; (2) prohibition to take or interfere with the rights of others; (3) prohibition of entering another's house without permission; (4) prohibition to pick up the fallen fruit without the owner's consent; and (5) prohibition to swear/curse children carelessly.The representations of cultural values ??of the pemali of the Dayak Ngaju Community to the spiritual performance, including (1) the obligation to provide food to village guards (Pakanan Patahu); (2) the duty to always remember the Almighty while earning a living; (3) prohibition to laugh at broomstick; (4) prohibition of picking sawang leaves in front of the sangar patahu.




                                                                            Banjarmasin, September 16, 2020


                                                Approved by:


                                                                  Head of Language Center




                                                                    Prof. Dr. Fatchul Mu’in, M


                                                                                              NIP 19610304 1989031003




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