JUDUL:The Students' Attitude towards English Speaking Activities in Classroom at SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin

Fadlia, Puspa. 2020. The Students’ Attitude towards English Speaking Activities in Classroom at SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Language Education       Study Program, Faculty of Teachers Training and    Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor : Dr. Nanik             Mariani, M. Pd., the second advisor : Yusuf Al Arief, M. Hum.

 Keywords: Attitude, English Speaking Activities.     

            English as a universal language is now provided in school curriculum in Indonesia which includes speaking skill that has various classroom activities. However, some people take it for granted in which it is related to attitude. Students’ attitude may affect language learning. Thus, it is an important matter if the students have positive or negative attitude which also include three aspects such as affective, behavioral, and cognitive. Therefore, after knowing its importance, the researcher conducted a research about students’ attitude towards English speaking activities in classroom. To be exact, this research was aimed to describe students’ attitude towards English speaking activities in classrom in which the subjects of this research were tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin with 87 students in total. In this case, the researcher used Descriptive method with qualitative and quantitative approach. In this case, this research used 5-point likert scale questionnaires, structured interviews, and 3 times observation.

            The result indicated that the students of SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin majorly had positive attitude towards English speaking activities in classroom which included the three aspects of attitude. Affectively, the students indicated their fondness and enthusiasm towards the English speaking activities in classroom. Behaviorally, they also indicated good behavior as they participated in the English classrom activities well. Cognitively, the students believed that English speaking activities were important and beneficial. In contrast, some students who had a negative attitude affectively, behaviorally, and cognitively indicated the opposite way. As suggestions, the teachers should prepare suitable learning strategies such as discussion, roleplay, or communication games due to the need of the various characteristic of students in the classroom regarding to their attitude.

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