JUDUL:Teachers and Parents' Perception on the Importance of English as a Local Content Subject at SDN Karang Mekar 5 Banjarmasin

English is the most used language in the world, as it is used in every aspect of life, such as business, politics, economics, and education based on its role as an international communication medium. The previous facts should be the trigger to implement English at the early stage of education, in this case, is called primary school. In fact, the government removes English as both of core and local content subject in primary school.  It is based on the consideration that the Indonesian Language is needed to be learned in a long time rather than English as it may be a burden for the students as said by the Vice Minister of Education and Culture. This attracts the researcher to explore more about the importance of English in primary school which is applied asa local content subject. Therefore, the researcher do the research in one of official schools who still implements English instead of following the government’ decision.


This research described the importance of English based on particular education stakeholders’ view as the teachers and the parents. Briefly, this research was aimed to analyze the teachers and parents’ perception on the importance of English as a local content subject based on consideration of their knowledge, view, and needs.The subject of this research were the teachers and the parents of fourth till fifth grade students at SDN Karang Mekar 5 Banjarmasin. A descriptive research within the qualitative approach was used as the convenient way in conducting the data. Furthermore, this research used two types of 4-point Likert scale questionnaires and two types of open-ended questions within the semi-structured interview. The data then presented in percentages and described in descriptive form.


The result of the research indicated that the teachers and parents perceived English as a Local Content subject as an important subject. It implied that English should not be removed from primary school as it is known as an international language, viewed as a preparing action to face the next level of education and world, also needed to be taught and learned as well as possible . As suggestion, the teachers should be well prepared in teaching English, and the parents also should take a role on helping the students to master English as a Local Content subject. Moreover, the government should consider the teachers and parents’ perception, also at least helps the school by providing the compatible material.


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