JUDUL:Aplikasi Beberapa Jenis Serbuk Rimpang dalam Mengendalikan Hama Sitophilus oryzae L. pada Beras Lokal Siam Mutiara


Rice is one of the staple foods for Indonesians. Siam Mutiara is one of the local varieties favored by people in South Kalimantan. Sufficient rice availability must be supported by a rice surplus as food reserves. The main problem in rice storage is the emergence of the pest Sitophilus oryzae L. Action is needed to control this pest. Vegetable pesticides can be used to control S. oryzae which are not toxic to humans. This study aims to determine the effect of application of several types of rhizome powder on the mortality of S. oryzae, population development of S. oryzae and weight of Siam Mutiara rice to see the most effective rhizome powder. The implementation of this research began in March - August 2020 at the Agroecotechnology Production Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University. The method used in this study was a one-factor completely randomized design (CRD) with z0 (control / without rhizome powder), z1 (red galangal rhizome powder), z2 (kencur rhizome powder), z3 (red ginger powder) and z4 treatment. (combination of rhizome powder). The treatment was repeated 4 times in order to obtain 20 experimental units. The results showed that the application of red galangal rhizome powder, kencur rhizome powder, red ginger rhizome powder, and a combination of rhizome powder were able to control S. oryzae population development and weight damage of Siam Mutiara rice due to S. oryzae pests. It is known that the most effective type of rhizome powder in controlling S. oryzae pests is z2 treatment (kencur rhizome powder) with a mortality of 65%, population development of 3 individuals and weight of Siam Mutiara rice 99.96%


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