JUDUL:A Descriptive Study on Phonological Interference of Banjar Hulu Banjarese in Pronouncing English Vowels and Consonants by The Students of English Language Education Study Program FKIP ULM Batch 2019.

The title of this research is “A Descriptive Study on Phonological Interference of Banjar Hulu Banjarese in Pronouncing English Vowels and Consonants by The Students of English Language Education Study Program FKIP ULM Batch 2019”. This research aims to describe the phonological interference of Banjar Hulu Banjarese made by English Language Education Study Program students’ batch 2019. This research is a descriptive study on the phonological interference level. The subject of this research is the students of the English Language Education Study Program of FKIP Lambung Mangkurat University, who speak Banjar Hulu Banjarese. The instruments used in this research are questionnaires and oral test. The study found out that Banjar Hulu Banjarese does interfere with English pronunciation. It happens because there are differences between Banjar Hulu Banjarese and English in the form of; (a) the existence of a given sound in the letter, which is not found in the former, (b) both languages have the same phonetic features, but they are different in their distribution, (c) both languages have similar sounds but have different variants or allophones. The interference occurs in English vowels those are: /i:/, /æ/, /?/, /??/, /u?/, /??/, /??/, /e/, /?/, in diphthongs, those are; /o?/, /e?/, /a?/, /??/, and in consonants, there are; /t?/, /p?/, /k?/, /f/, /v/, /b/, /d/, /g/, /θ/, /ð/, /z/, /?/, /?/.Based on the result of this research, the researcher suggests the students of English Language Education Study Program whose background is Banjar Hulu Banjarese need to practice how to pronounce the vowel and consonants in English correctly, especially for the phoneme that got interference. They also need to raise their awareness in English sounds so that they will not overgeneralize the sound of particular vowels or consonants in particular words. The researcher also suggests that lecturers who teach English are related to pronouncing English words, consonants, and vowels to do more drilling to pronounce the interfered English sounds in teaching and learning progress.

Keywords: Interference, Phonology, Banjar Hulu Banjarese.


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