JUDUL:The Use of Hand Puppet and Stick Figure as Media to Teach Speaking at Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 24 Banjarmasin in Academic Year 2019/2020

Speaking is one of the English skills which taught at SMP Negeri 24 Banjarmasin. The students find some difficulties to speak English in front of the class because they are worried about making mistake, they have no motivation to express themselves, shy and feel more comfortable if they are speaking their mother tongue. Therefore, hand puppets and stick figure are choosen as media to teach speaking English skill efectively. This research aimed to find out whether there is significant difference in students’ speaking achievement between students who are taught by using hand puppet and students who are taught by using stick figure at SMP Negeri 24 Banjarmasin in academic year 2019/2020.

This research method used quantitative method with quasi-experimental design. This research population was seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 24 Banjarmasin. Two classes are selected as the sample of this research which consist of 31 students from VII B class and 31 students from VII C class. In experimental class was VII B and they are taught by using hand puppet. In control class was VII C and they are taught by using stick figure.

The result of this research showed in students’ mean score in experimental class for pre-test was 60,56 and the mean of the post-test was 85,96, the difference was 25,4. Meanwhile, the pre-test’s mean ofthe control group was 59,19 and the mean of the post-test was 76,77, the difference was 17,58. Then, t-value (5.156) is higher than critical value (2.000) Therefore, there is a significant difference between the students who have been taught using hand puppet and the ones using stick figure. Since t value > t table, it means that hand puppet is effective to improve students’ speaking achievement for the seventh grades students of junior high school in performing a dialogue. The null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternate hypothesis (Ha)  is accepted. In addition, it is suggested for the teacher to use hand puppet and stick figure as media in teaching speaking at the class.

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