JUDUL:Students' Speaking Ability at Advanced Speaking Class of Lambung Mangkurat English Teaching Study Program in Academic Year of 2019/2020
PENGARANG:Dewi Nor Oktaviani

Oktaviani, Dewi Nor. STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY AT ADVANCED SPEAKING CLASS OF LAMBUNG MANGKURAT ENGLISH TEACHING DEPARTMENT IN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2019/2020,  Sarjana’s Thesis, English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, LambungMangkurat University, Banjarmasin. Advisor: Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Muth’im, M.Pd and Dini Noor Arini,M.Pd

Keywords: Speaking, Ability, Intermediate

The discussion of English skill in academic world has been a general topic to discuss, questioning the students’ skill in order to know their level of ability or even the problems and find the way to solve the problems. It is important in educational world because of the demand of today’s global era and the fact that English is the universal language used in almost all field.

This research was conducted to find the students’ chosen speaking skill ability on their Intermediate level of knowledge in Advanced Speaking class in academic year of 2019/2020 in Lambung Mangkurat University. This research used descriptive study with the approach of quantitative research.The sampling technique for this research is non-probability, convenience sampling where the respondents are the most convenience subjects for the researcher. The subjects under-researched are the students of class A3 of Advanced Speaking course. For the instrument, this research used oral test with documentation type as the data collection in form of video recordings of students’ performances.

The result showed that the students’ speaking skill regarding to their Intermediate course knowledge on Advanced Speaking class was 48.72 and 49.22 by the assessment of two raters with 6 aspects were being assessed which were grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, pronunciation and task. The mean score thus classified into ULM’s Classification Scoring on 0-49 score range resulting in poor classification.

It can be concluded that the students’ speaking ability is on poor side. The result gives insight on the students’ level of ability and for the teacher to come up with suitable technique for better understanding of lesson for the students to improve their ability.

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