JUDUL:Implementasi Good University Governance Pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta PTS GM Di Samarinda Kalimantan Timur



Siti Rohmah (2020), The Implementation of Good University Governance in Private University (PTS GM) in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. Advisor I: Muhammad Hudaya, SE., MM., Ph.D., CSRA Advisor II: Dr. Wahyudin Nor, SE., M.Sc., Ak., CA., CSRA


Abstract: This research is meant to analyze and get a wholepicture of the implementation of GUG principles based on the SN DIKTI, 2014, at PTS GM. This research used a qualitative method with a case study approach—the research locatedin a private university in Samarinda, namely PTS GM. Interviews were conducted with the Key Informant as interviewees andfield observations.

The result showed that GUG had not been entirely implemented because there is a mismatch of 8 (eight) principles. There are four principles. The one that becomes the main priority is the principle of transparency. This principle of transparency is related to financial management and management. This transparency can be seen in dissemination activities and providing information openly to the entire academic community, the public, and the wider community. The principle of accountability becomes an evaluation of higher education performance by increasing the SPI and the Role of Audit, the Quality Assurance Principle, and the relevance of improving academic monitoring. Thus, the quality of management at the university, faculty, lecturers, and academic staff will be more focused and measured. For this reason, effectiveness and efficiency in long-term, short and medium-term planning, the participation of the foundation, and the entire academic community allow programs to be realized and run according to the initial planning.


Keywords: SN Dikti 2014, Good University Governance, Private University

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