JUDUL:Analisis Kadar Protein Dengan Metode Kjeldahl dan Kadar Air Dengan Metode Gravimetri Pada Abon Ikan Gabus yang Beredar Di Banjarbaru

        Abon adalah makanan yang terbuat dari serat daging hewan, berwarna cokelat terang hingga kehitam-hitaman. Abon sebagai salah satu contoh bentuk produk olahan makanan bersifat kering. Abon dapat dijumpai dipasaran atau toko-toko yang menjual bahan pangan. Ikan gabus merupakan salah satu jenis ikan yang hidup di air tawar maupun air payau.Makanan harus diteliti dahulu sebelum dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat dengan berbagai uji laboratorium agar kualitasnya terjamin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar protein dan kadar air pada beberapa sampel abon ikan gabus dan mengetahui sampel telah memenuhi syarat mutu atau tidak sesuai SNI 7690-1-2013.  Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ada 3 sampel abon ikan gabus yang berbeda merk. Analisiskadarprotein menggunakan metode kjehdahl dengan 3 tahapan, diantaranya proses destruksi, destilasi dan titrasi. Hasil analisis kadar protein pada abon ikan gabus yaitu pada sampel A didapat sebesar 31,36%, sampel B sebesar 32,41% dan sampel C sebesar 33,11%. Kadar protein ketiga sampel tersebut telah memenuhi SNI yaitu diatas 30%. Analisiskadarair menggunakan metode gravimetri. Hasil analisis kadar air pada abon ikan gabus yaitu pada sampel A didapat sebesar 1,23%, sampel B sebesar 0,94% dan sampel C sebesar 1,28%. Kadar air ketiga sampel tersebut telah memenuhi SNI yaitu dibawah 15%.


Kata kunci: Abon, Ikan Gabus, Kadar Protein, Kjeldahl, Kadar Air, Gravimetri.


Shredded is food made from animal meat fiber, light brown to blackish in color. Shredded as an example of a form of dry food processed products. Shredded can be found in the market or shops that sell foodstuffs. Snakehead fish is a type of fish that lives in both fresh and brackish water. Food must be examined before consumption by the public with various laboratory tests so that its quality is guaranteed. This study aims to determine the protein content and water content in several samples of snakehead fish floss and to find out whether the samples have met the quality requirements or not according to SNI 7690-1-2013. The samples used in this study were 3 samples of different snakehead fish shredded brands. Protein content analysis used the Kjehdahl method with 3 stages, including the process of digestion, distillation and titration. The results of the analysis of protein content in shredded snakehead fish, namely sample A obtained 31.36%, sample B 32.41% and sample C 33.11%. The protein content of the three samples has met SNI, which is above 30%. Analysis of water content using the gravimetric method. The results of the analysis of water content in the snakehead fish floss, namely the sample A obtained by 1,23%, sample B of 0,94% and sample C of 1,28%. The water content of the three samples has met SNI, which is below 15%.


Keywords: Shredded, Fish Cork, Protein Content, Kjeldahl, Water Content, Gravimetric.

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