JUDUL:Representasi Maskulinitas Steve Rogers Dalam Film Captain America : The First Avenger 2011 (Studi Analisis Semiotina Jhon Fiske Pada Film Captain America : The First Avenger 2011)


Dety Miranti, 1610414120008, (2020) Representasi Maskulinitas Steve Rogers dalam Film Captain America : The First Avenger 2011 (Studi Analisis Semiotika Jhon Fiske Pada Film Captain America : The First Avenger 2011). Dibawah bimbingan Fahrianoor dan Lalita Hanief.


Film Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) merupakan seri film pahlawan super Amerika Serikat. Film-film ini diproduksi sejak tahun 2007 dan mengangkat cerita tentang pembasmi kejahatan. Marvel studio mengelompokkan filmnya menjadi beberapa fase.Salah satu filmnya difase pertama adalah Captain America : The First Avenger 2011. Penelitian ini melihat bagiamana representasi maskulinitas sosok pahlawan super Amerika bernama Steve Rogers yang dikenal sebagai Captain America.

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif. Objek penelitiannya adalah Steve Rogers sebagai pemeran utama yang tergambar dalam film ini. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Teknik analisis data menggunakan semiotika Jhon Fiske dengan tiga level yaitu realitas, representasi, ideologi dan menggunakan konsep maskulinitas oleh Janet Salzman Chaferz yaitu penampilan fisik, fungsional, seksual, emosi, intelektual, interpersonal dan karakter peronal. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Film Neo-marxisme, Teori Mikro-Sosial tentang Gender.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa representasi maskulinitas Steve Rogres dalam film Captain America The First Avenger : 2011 yaitu menjalankan perannya sebagai seorang pahlawan Amerika dan melakukan perlawanan serta penyerangan terhadap musuhnya yaitu Redskull yang merupakan bagian dari Nazi Jerman. Selain itu, representasi maskulinitasnya digambarkan memiliki tubuh tinggi, berotot, atletis, jantan, wajah tampan, cerdas, berani, berambisi, memiliki kisah cinta yang menarik, mendominasi, berjiwa pemimpin dan bertanggung jawab. Ciri khas pahlawan super adalah memakai kostum yang ikonik, begitu juga dengan tokoh Captain America yang digambarkan memakai kostum pahlawan berwarna biru putih merah berlambang bendera negara Amerika yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan citra Amerika.


Kata kunci : Representasi, Maskulinitas, Film










Dety Miranti, 161014120008 (2020) Representation of Steve Rogers' Masculinity in Captain America's Movie : The First Avenger 2011 (John fiske's semiotics analysis study on captain America the first avenger 2011). Under the guidance of Mr. fahrianoor and Mrs. Lalita Hanief.


Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is the United States superhero movie series. These films have been produced since 2007 and bring up stories about crime fighters. Marvel the studio grouped the movie into a series of phases. One of his first phase movies was captain America, the first avenger 2011. This study saw how a representation of masculinity of an American superhero named Steve Rogers was known as captain America.

The study employs a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. The object of his research is that of Steve Rogers, the lead actor depicted in this film. Data collection techniques through observation, documentation and literature studies. The data analysis technique uses John Fiske's semiotics with three levels of reality, representation, ideology and the concept of masculinity by Janet Salzman Chaferz’s of physical, functional, sexual, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal and cultural character. The study uses Neo-Marxism film Theory, Micro-Social Gender Theory.

The results of this study suggest that representation of masculinity Captain America the first avenger: 2011 represented his role as an American hero and fought his enemy the redskull as part of Nazi Germany. Moreover, his representation of masculinity is described as having a tall, muscular, athletic, male, handsome face, intelligent, brave, ambitious, passionate, passionate love story that captures, dominates, leadership and responsiveness. The typical superhero is to dress iconic, as is the character Captain America was described as wearing the uniform of a hero who had the colors of a flag, intended to preserve the image of America.


Keywords : Representation, Masculinity, Movie

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