JUDUL:Kualitas Semen Kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE) Yang Diencerkan Menggunakan Pengencer Andromed Dengan Berbagai Konsentrasi Ekstrak Daun Kelor.


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji kemampuan andromed yang dikombinasikan dengan ekstrak daun kelor pada konsentrasi berbeda terhadap kualitas semen kambing PE yang dipreservasi pada suhu 3-5oC. Semen ditampung dengan menggunakan vagina buatan. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan empat perlakuan dan empat kali ulangan yang terdiri dari: 100% andromed sebagai kontrol (P1), 98% andromed + 2% ektrak daun kelor (P2), 96% andromed + 4% ekstrak daun kelor (P3), 94% andromed + 6% ekstrak daun kelor (P4). Masing-masing perlakuan dievaluasi kuaitas spermatozoanya setiap hari hingga presentase motil minimal 40%. Hasil penelitian pada karakteristik semen segar kambing PE yaitu volume 1,02 ml, konsentrasi 4.460 juta/ml, motilitas 78,75%, hidup spermatozoa 92,50%, danabnormalitas spermatozoa 5,00%. Hasil penelitian persentase motilitas dan spermatozoa hidup pada hari keempatmenunjukkan P1 (38,75%; 60,98%) tidak berbeda nyata dengan, P2 (36,25%; 56,25%), P3 (40,00%; 50,77%) dan P4 (36,67%; 59,13%). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengencer andromed yang dikombinasikan dengan berbagai konsentrasi ekstrak daun kelor tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) terhadap persentase motilitas dan spermatozoa hidup dihari ke-4. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua perlakuan mampu mempertahankan kualitas spermatozoa kambing PE selama empat hari preservasi pada suhu 3-5oC, namun jika mengacu pada ketentuan SNI 4869.3:2014 kualitas semen yang telah diencerkan harus menunjukkan motilitas spermatozoa minmal 40% maka perlakuan P3 yang memenuhi syarat dan direkomendasikan ke program inseminasi buatan.


Kata kunci: Andromed, Ekstrak daun kelor, Kambing PE, Semen segar, Motilitas spermatozoa, Hidup mati spermatozoa



The purpose of this study to test the ability andromed combined with Moringa leaf extract in different concentrations on the quality of goat semen preserved at a temperature of 3-5°C. Semen collected using an artificial vagina. The research method used a completely randomized design (CRD), with four treatments and four replications consisting of: 100% andromed as a control (P1), 98% andromed + 2% Moringa leaf extract (P2), 96% andromed + 4% extract. Moringa leaves (P3), 94% andromed + 6% Moringa leaf extract. Each treatment was evaluated for the quality of the spermatozoan every day until the motile percentage was at least 40%. The results of the research on the characteristics of fresh semen from PE goat were volume 1.02 ml, concentration 4,460 million / ml, motility 78.75%, live spermatozoa 92.50%, and spermatozoa abnormality of 5.00%. The results of the study on the percentage of motility and live spermatozoa on the fourth day showed that P1 (38.75%; 60.98%) was not significantly different from P2 (36.25%; 56.25%), P3 (40.00%; 50, 77%) and P4 (36.67%; 59.13%). The results showed that andromed diluent combined with various concentrations of Moringa leaf extract was not significantly different (P> 0.05) on the percentage of motility and live spermatozoa on the 4th day. It can be concluded that all treatments are able to maintain the spermatozoa quality of PE goat for four days of preservation at a temperature of 3-5oC, but if referring to the provisions of SNI 4869.3: 2014, the quality of the diluted semen must show 40% minimum spermatozoa motility, then P3 treatment meets the requirements. and recommended to the artificial insemination program.


Key words: Andromed, Moringa leaf extract, Goat PE, Fresh semen, Spermatozoa motility, Living dead spermatozoa

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