JUDUL:Parents’ Roles in English Learning towards the Third-grade Students of SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin
PENGARANG:Soraya Bunga P



Pradiny, Soraya Bunga. 2021. Parents’ Roles in English Learning towards the Third-grade Students of SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Dr. Rina Listia, M.Pd., the second advisor: Dini Noor Arini, M.Pd.


Keywords: Parent, Roles, English learning


            Parents play an important role in their children’s life. Children learningsuccess is also influenced by external factors, such as parents and teachers. The children’s educational responsibility cannot be relied on the teacher only, but also on the parents. It is hoped that teachers and parents can be realized and finally such understanding will lead to the success of students’ learning, especially in learning English. In this research, the researcher aimed to find out how are the roles of parents playing in English learning towards the third-grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin.


            The type of this research was descriptive within the quantitative approach. The subject of this research consisted of 127 parents of the third-grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin. The data were collected from a questionnaire and used the Likert Scale. Open-ended questions were added also to get more detailed answers from the parents. The data analyzed by using descriptive statistics.


            The result of this research showed that the roles of parents playing in English learning towards the third-grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin were the advisor, the controller, the motivator, and the facilitator. The facilitator was the most used role with the percentage of parents were 51% (64 parents), meanwhile, the less used role was the advisor with the percentage of parents were 17% (21 parents). As suggestions, parents need to maximize their awareness of their children’s education and realize that their role in children’s learning is very important. Teachers also need to maximize the collaboration between teachers and parents, such as routinely giving information about student’s achievement and also expected to be able to help the parents about what roles they should do at home.

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