JUDUL:English Language Education Study Program Students' Attitudes on the Use of Google Translate in Translation
PENGARANG:Nurhikmatul Jannah


Jannah, Nurhikmatul. 2020. English Language Education Study Program Students’ Attitudes on the Use of Google Translate in Translation. Sarjana’s Thesis, English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Prof. Dr. Fatchul Mu’in, M. Hum., the second advisor: Nasrullah, M. Pd. B.I.




Keywords: Students’ Attitudes, Translation Tool, Machine Translation, Google Translate, ELE Students


Many people, especially students using Google Translate on their learning process and this tool is being the most popular machine translation in the world. When the students use Google Translate, they must have different experience and also different attitudes while using it. Therefore, this research aims to find out students’ attitudes on the use of Google Translate in Translation with the research problem “How are the attitudes of English Language Education Study Program students on the use of Google Translate in translation?”.

This research uses a descriptive qualitative method where the subjects’ participants of this research were students of ELE Study Program at Lambung Mangkurat University of Teacher training and Education Faculty. The analysis is based on Pickens, Ajzen and others who have similar theory which defines an Attitude has 3 components: “an affect (a feeling), behavior (an action), and cognition (a thought or belief)”.

From the result on affective aspect that covers the students' feelings and emotions, the research revealed the most popular feeling that showed on the result of the research was "so-so" and followed by "enjoy." On the cognitive aspect (a thought or belief), the result showed that more than half of the classes believe that the use of Google Translate was considered as cheating, depending on how it is used. Then, on the last component of attitudes; behavior aspect, the participants tended to use Google Translate mostly to check the meaning of unknown words, and they decided to save their time by using Google Translate in translating a whole essay or article.

It is concluded that the students do not have the negative attitudes because no one has expressed the negative traits related to the Google Translate usage. This research hopefully can help students and lecturers in order to consider the better usage of Google Translate or GT in the future.

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