JUDUL:The Use of Taboo Game in Teaching Speaking of Describing Skill at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Barabai Academic Year 2019/2020

      Speaking is number one priority that should be learned. Describing skill is one of the speaking skills that will be the research's focus. However, most of the students were difficult to speak English even with the simple description to practice their describing skill. It was happening because they lack vocabularies and practices as the teacher only explain the theory. Many researches have been addressed that the game helps the learners to improve their speaking skill. However, little research has been reported that the Taboo game helps the student to practice their speaking skill. The research aim was to describe the use of the Taboo game in teaching speaking by the teachers at tenth grade students. It was also to describe the students' responses toward the use of the Taboo game.

      This research is a descriptive research design. The research subject were the two English teachers and all tenth grade in SMAN 1 Barabai. X MIPA 1 class were selected as the research subject through purposive sampling. The instruments used were interviews and documentations.

      From the data analysis, it was found that both English teachers have different activities on the use of the Taboo game. For the Taboo game, both teachers followed the theory from Cervantes (2009) but they made a modification based on the situation. Overall, both teachers have a good use in using the Taboo game that made the students really interested in practice speaking and also all students have positive responses toward the use of the Taboo game.

      Based on the research findings, it is suggested for English teachers not only explain the theory but they must apply the game creatively for teaching speaking based on the need. Therefore, the students feel comfort during teaching-learning process.

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