JUDUL:Students’ Problems in Passive Voice at the Fourth Semester of English Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin in academic year 2020/2021

Passive voice is extremely useful in academic writing, since it allows writers to highlight the most crucial participants or events within sentences by placing them at the beginning of the sentence. The purpose of this research was to identify the students’problems in passive voice. This research was conducted based on the phenomena of passive voice that made students have problems in using passive voice.

In this study, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The researcher chose the fourth semester students consisting of 28 students. In collecting data, the researcher used test, questionnaire, and interview.The results of data analysis found by the researcher regarding students' problems in passive voicewas limited knowledge of grammar.The result of the study showed that the students at the fourth semester of English Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin still have problemss in using passive voice similarly the unconfident feeling of the students (57.1%) when writing passive voice, unpreferable feeling of the students (53.6%) in writing passive voice, using verb 3/past participle (75%), choosing the appropriate verb, difficulty in memorizing irregular verb, using to be/auxiliary verb (67.9%), incorrect forming of “be,” choosing the appropriate tenses (53.6%), forgetting the tenses’ formula, and hardly distinguishing subject and object (60.7%). The results of this study were in line with Parrott (2010), who addressed that learner may fail to recognize a passive construction, most students usually find the difficulties to understanding about the using of auxiliary verb “be” and distinguishing the past tense form and the past participle

All in all, even though most of the students recognized passive voice and its structure, there were still some problems occurred in using them. Therefore, the students are suggested to be more aware of the importance of passive voice and are advised to more often practice to write passive voice, then pay more attetion to the lecturer’s explanation to have a good grasp of passive voice.

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