JUDUL:English Teachers' Problems in Applying Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in MAN 4 Banjar



Maryani. 2021. English Teachers’ Problems in Applying Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in MAN 4 Banjar. English Language Education Study Program. Sarjana Program of Lambung Mangkurat University of Banjarmasin. Advisors: (I) Prof. Dr. Fatchul Mu’in, M. Hum; (II) Nasrullah, M. Pd B. I.

Keywords: Online learning, teaching problems.


Indonesia is currently invaded by a newly discovered Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) which interferes with people's daily activities, including the educational system. This research was conducted to find out the problems in applying online learning by the English teachers of MAN 4 Banjar. Therefore, this study aims to describe the problems in the application of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The research used a qualitative descriptive method. This research conducted in MAN 4 Banjar started from October, 8th until October, 27th, 2020. The participants of this study were the English teachers of MAN 4 Banjar, consist of five persons. This research used a questionnaire as the main instrument and an interview as the side instrument. This research used data triangulation to analyze the research data. In analyzing data, there were data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions.

Based on the data result, it was found that the English teachers faced problems in applying online learning from three aspects, problems in applying online learning in English Language Teaching (ELT), problems in using the software and application, and problems that appeared from the students. The problems in applying online learning in ELT were lack of internet data package, lack of teaching time, less teacher and students bonding time, bad internet connection, the students who were late for class due to internet issue, inadequate device, technical problems in using software and application, students who were less participated in the class, and difficulties in assessing students. Moreover, the problems in using software and application were delayed on sending learning materials, annoying notification and time limit when using Zoom Cloud Meeting, accepting the students' requests one by one while using Google Meet, lack of features and open public discussion forum in school e-learning, and needed extra effort to prepare the lesson. Furthermore, the problems that appeared from the students are a slow internet connection, late to join the class, lack of internet data package, students who disconnected from the class, students who late and slow response to the teacher, students who late on collecting daily assignment, and students who might have an incompatible device. Based on the research findings, it suggests that the teachers need to adjust the learning materials, give the students motivation to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic situation, and the school needs to attend training on mastering specific application or software for the teachers.

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