JUDUL:The Students' Ability In Writing Paragraph
PENGARANG:Aisyah Amini



Amini, Aisyah. 2019. The Students’ Ability in Writing Paragraph. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first Advisor: Dr. Noor Eka Chandra, M.Pd., the second advisor: Moh. Yamin, M.Pd.


Keywords: writing, ability, paragraph


Writing is inseparable from a learning process. Writing is considered as difficult because there are many components to be learned. The problem of this study is focused on the students’ ability in writing paragraph.

The data used are the writing assignments in Guided Writing course from 57 students in 3 classes. The data were taken from the blog of each class. The data were gathered from the English Department students in Lambung Mangkurat University.

Analysis of the data is done by using a rubric assessment to find the students’ ability in writing paragraph. Findings of the research show that the students’ ability is in the Good range. Most of the works are excellent; they follow the aspects of writing. Their works are easy to understand and conform to the writing rules. 

It is suggested that students have to do more writing practice by themselves or with their peers to increase their understanding in writing paragraph. Further research could be done on another element such as discussing the problems that appeared in writing or by using different assessment methods.


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