JUDUL:The Effectiveness of Using Short Animation Movies as Media in Teaching Writing Narrative Text to The Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Bati-Bati Academic Year 2019/2020
PENGARANG:M. Rifky Wahyu Rahman

This research tried to find out the effectiveness of Short Animation Movies as media in teaching writing narrative. It applied a quasi-experimental design that involved 50 tenth-grade students of SMAN 1 Bati-Bati. The control class was taught by using Picture Series while the experimental class was taught using animation movies. 

The data were the result of students’ writings, observations, and documentation. The analysis of the data was carried out by using Paired Sample T-test. 

The findings showed that there was a significant difference on students’ writing skills after being taught by using short animation movies. Additionally, the students’ interest in the media was high which made them motivated to learn and pay attention more to the teaching-learning process.  The study concluded that the short animation movies were an effective media to help students in the teaching-learning process. 

Based on the result, it is suggested that the teacher utilizes this teaching media. Students are also recommended to watch short animation movies to improve their English skills. Finally, it is suggested to other researchers to conduct further research by completing the missing elements of this study and to conduct studies on the effectiveness of animation movies in other language skill like speaking or comparing it with other teaching media.

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