JUDUL:Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi Volume Balok Menggunakan Kombinasi Model Pembelajaran Guided Discovery dan Team Game Tournament pada Siswa Kelas V SDN Habirau Tengah 1 Hulu Sungai Selatan


Ripani, Muhammad. 2021. Improving Student Learning Outcomes on Block Volume Material Using a Combination of Guided Discovery Learning Model and Team Game Tournament in Class V SDN Habirau Tengah 1 Hulu Sungai Selatan. Thesis Educational Study Program Primary School Teacher Education Department of Teacher Training and the Education Sciences University of Lambung Mangkurat. Supervisor Drs. Sunarno, M.Pd.


Keywords: Learning Oucomes, Block Volume, Combination of Learning ModelsGuided Discovery andTeam Game Tournament.


The problem in this research is the low learning outcomes of 5th graders at SDN Habirau Tengah 1 Hulu Sungai Selatan in mathematics, especially in the volume of blocks. This is because students have less role in finding material concepts, students have low interest in mathematics, and teachers do not give students the opportunity to work together in the learning process. The impact of this is that student learning outcomes are difficult to achieve completeness. For this reason, research was conducted with the aim of describing teacher and student activities, as well as analyzing learning outcomes using a combination of Guided Discovery and Team Game Tournament learning models on the block volume material.

This study uses a qualitative research approach with the type of Classroom Action Research (CAR), which was carried out in 2 cycles with 1 meeting in each cycle. The research subjects were 5th grade students of SDN Habirau Tengah 1 Hulu Sungai Selatan for the academic year 2020/2021, with a total of 12 students. Data collection techniques were carried out using teacher activity observation sheets, student activity observation sheets, and student learning outcomes. The indicators of the success of this research are the teacher's activity reaches the "Very Good" criteria, the student activity reaches the "Very Active" category, and students' individual learning completeness reaches a score of ≥70 with classical reaching ≥80%.

The results showed that the teacher's activity in Cycle I got a score of 26 with a good category increasing to a score of 31 in Cycle II with a very good category. Student activity in Cycle I got 67% results with the active category increasing up to 92% with the very active category in Cycle II. And student learning outcomes in Cycle I, students with a score of ≥70 were 58% and experienced an increase in Cycle II reaching 100%.

Based on the results of this reseacrh, it can be concluded that the combination of Guided Discovery and Team Game Tournament learning models with block volume material in grade 5 SDN Habirau Tengah 1 Hulu Sungai Selatan can increase student activity and student learning outcomes. It is recommended to principals, teachers, and other researchers that this research can be used as an alternative reference to improve or improve the learning system in the classroom.

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