JUDUL:Proses Produksi Diasetin dari Fatty Matter Produk Samping Biodiesel

Fatty matter is a by-product of biodiesel production due to the reactionfromtransesterification.Fattymatterisformedfromtheseparationofglycerinand the breakdown of soap due to the addition of NaOH and HCL solution. In itsutilization, fatty matter itself was very minimally utilized. This study aimed toutilize fatty matter by increasing its performance used as a diacetin productionmaterial through a purification process using bleaching earth with a ratio of 1:8,1:9 and 1:10. Based on the observations made on the characteristics of the purifiedfatty matter, it was found the characteristics of crude glycerol were with a watercontent of 0.8%, FFA 0.08%, an iodine number of 53 gI2/100 g, and a colordifference not too striking from the initial color of fatty matter in the best ratio of1:9.

Fatty matter having gone through the esterification process would have anew performance with characteristics close to glycerol which when reacted withacetic acid could produce monoacetin (MA), diacetin (DA), and triacetin (TA).Diacetine was used as a coating, especially in foodstuffs. The fatty acid chains ofDiacetine were derived from partially absorbed hydrogenated vegetable oils andconventional triglyceride acids, so this Diacetine fat could be eaten as a nutritiousingredient. The amount of glycerol and acetic acid used in this process was basedon a mole ratio of 1:3, 1:5, and 1:7. The esterification process was carried out attheAnalyticalChemistrylaboratoryandtheIndustrialChemistryandEnvironmental Laboratory, Agricultural Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University,Banjarbaru and arranged in a factorial manner using Completely RandomizedDesign (CRD). The treatment used in this study consisted of two factors. The firstfactor was the mole ratio between crude glycerol and acetic acid (P) of 1:3 (P1),1:5 (P2) and 1:7 (P3) and the second factor was time (W) of 30 minutes (W1), 60minutes (W2), 90 minutes (W3), with 9 treatments and 2 replications, and 18experimentalunitswereobtained.Theresearchdatawereanalyzedby homogeneous test, followed by a two-way ANOVA test, analysis of variancewhich showed the treatment had a significant effect on the observed variables, theDMRT test carried out at the 5% level. The results showed the results of the mid-valuetestshowingtheaverageratiooftheinteractionbetweenmolesandtimehadasignificanteffectontheamountofglycerolconversion.The1:7ratiotreatment between crude glycerol and acetic acid for 30 minutes is the highestvalue for glycerol conversion with 100% diacetin conversion, while the lowestglycerol conversion is a 1:3 ratio treatment between crude glycerol and acetic acidfor90 minutes with 0%diacetin conversion.

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