

Meldawati. 2021. “Analisis Komparatif Penerapan Kombinasi Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation (GI), Numbered Heads Together (NHT) dan Talking Stick pada Muatan Pembelajaran IPS Tema Kayanya Negeriku Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri”. Skripsi program S1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin. Pembimbing Dr. H. Ahmad Muhyani Rizalie, M.Si.

Kata kunci : Analisi Komparatif, Group Investigation, Numbered Heads Together,

Talking Stick.


Secara umum ada beberapa masalah yang sering terjadi di sekolah-sekolah, seperti dalam proses pembelajaran menyebabkan rendahnya aktivitas dan hasil belajar karena siswa masih kurang dalam berpikir kritis, aktif, antusias serta cepat bosan dalam proses pembelajaran. Sehingga siswa kurang memahami pembelajaran yang diberikan. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut dapat menggunakan kombinasi model pembelajaran yang melibatkan siswa aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan kombinasi model Group Investigation (GI), Numbered Head Together (NHT), dan Talking Stick.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara mendalam aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, dan hasil belajar dalam penerapan kombinasi model Group Investigation, Numbered Heads Together dan Talking Stick. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif komparatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu studi dokumentasi yang menggunakan bahan analisis berupa skripsi PTK oleh Zahratunnisa Maulida dan Lily Triyanti.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan kombinasi model Group Investigation, Numbered Heads Together dan Talking Stick dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, dan hasil belajar siswa yaitu kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik pada kedua buah skripsi. Pada skripsi 1 aktivitas guru 29 dengan kriteria sangat baik. Aktivitas siswa 70,8% dengan kriteria aktif. Hasil belajar kognitif 87,5% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Hasil belajar afektif 95,8% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Hasil belajar psikomotorik 91,7% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Pada skripsi 2 aktivitas guru 32 dengan kriteria sangat baik. Aktivitas siswa 92,8% dengan kriteria sangat aktif. Hasil belajar kognitif 87% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Hasil belajar afektif 87% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Hasil belajar psikomotorik 90% dengan kriteria sangat baik.

Dengan demikian berdasarkan temuan ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa aktivitas guru skripsi 2 lebih baik dibandingkan skripsi 1. Aktivitas siswa skripsi 2 lebih baik dibandingkan skripsi 1. Hasil belajar ranah kognitif skripsi 1 lebih baik dibanding skripsi 2. Hasil belajar ranah afektif skripsi 1 lebih baik dibanding skripsi 2. Hasil belajar ranah psikomotorik skripsi 1 lebih baik dibanding skripsi 2.


Meldawati. 2021. "Comparative Analysis of the Application of the Combination of Group Investigation (GI), Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and Talking Stick Learning Models in Social Studies Learning Content with the Theme of Kayanya Negeriku, Class IV, State Elementary Schools". Thesis for S1 Elementary School Teacher Education program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin. Advisor Dr. H. Ahmad Muhyani Rizalie, M.Si.

Keyword :Comparative Analysis, Group Investigation, Numbered Heads Together,Talking Sticks.


In general, there are several problems that often occur in schools, such as in the learning process causing low activity and learning outcomes because students are still lacking in critical thinking, active, enthusiastic and quickly bored in the learning process. So that students do not understand the learning given. To solve these problems can use a combination of learning models that involve students actively in the learning process by using a combination of models Group Investigation (GI), Numbered Head Together (NHT), and Talking Stick.

This research aims to analyze in depth teacher activity, student activities, and learning outcomes in the application of a combination of Group Investigation, Numbered Heads Together and Talking Stick models. The method used in this study is comparatively descriptive. The type of research used is a documentation study that uses analytical materials in the form of PTK thesis by Zahratunnisa Maulida.

The results of this study indicate that the application of the combination of the Group Investigation, Numbered Heads Together and Talking Stick models can increase teacher activity, student activity, and student learning outcomes, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor in both theses. In thesis 1 the teacher's activities are 29 with very good criteria. 70.8% student activity with active criteria. Cognitive learning outcomes 87.5% with very good criteria. Affective learning outcomes 95.8% with very good criteria. Psychomotor learning outcomes 91.7% with very good criteria. In thesis 2, the teacher's activities are 32 with very good criteria. Student activity is 92.8% with very active criteria. Cognitive learning outcomes 87% with very good criteria. 87% affective learning outcomes with very good criteria. Psychomotor learning outcomes 90% with very good criteria.

Thus, based on these findings, it can be concluded that the activity of the thesis teacher 2 is better than the thesis 1. The student activity of the thesis 2 is better than the thesis 1. The learning outcomes of the cognitive domain of thesis 1 are better than the thesis 2. The learning outcomes of the affective domain of thesis 1 are better than thesis 2. Psychomotor learning outcomes of thesis 1 are better than thesis 2.

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