JUDUL:Face Threatening Acts used by Debaters in the NUDC 2021 Lambung Mangkurat University

Adistana, Cinthya Kesuma. 2021. Face Threatening Acts used by Debater in The NUDC 2021 Lambung Mangkurat University. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Language Education Study Program. Lambung Mangkurat University. The first advisor: Dr.Hj.Noor Eka Chandra, M.Pd., and the second advisor: Yusuf Al Arief, M.Hum.

Keywords: FTA, NUDC, Debater, Face

In Eastern culture, especially Indonesia, it upholds the ethics of politeness so that when talking to other people it is recommended to be polite, including in terms of arguing and this is very important in the scope of education because in the scope of character education, it is also formed. Therefore it is important to have research on the Face Threatening Acts (FTAs) in a debate competition which of course involves interaction between students (debaters) in a formal debate competition because in this case the debater collides with arguments, is required to think critically, find solutions to a problem and train the mental and courageous surely they have to find a way to get their opinion accepted. This study is to discover the Face Threatening Acts used and most often used by Debaters in the National University Debate Championship (NUDC) 2021 at Lambung Mangkurat University.

This study uses a qualitative descriptive method and uses instruments in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. This research was conducted at Lambung Mangkurat University as the research site. The subjects of this study were taken from 12 students who took part in the NUDC debate which consisted of three rounds where in each round there were eight participants involved and due to limited time and researcher could only be involved in one group in each round, the writer chose one room randomly per round and when the debate takes place. In this study, writer’s took objects in the form of utterances, words generated through interactions that occurred in debating, defending opinions and when debaters were debating and data obtained by observation.

The results show that debaters used Face Threatening Acts to threaten the Face of interlocutor and most often used Positive face in FTA even though there are some Negative face related to the context. Finally, the writer hopes that future researchers will conduct further research to continue this study using other theories, subjects and other types of data.


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