JUDUL:Instructional Media Used by Certified English Teachers in Teaching and Learning Process at Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 10 Banjarmasin
PENGARANG:Haitami Rezeki

This research is aimed to find types of instructional media used by certified English teachers at eighth grade of SMP Negeri 10 Banjarmasin, how those media help the students and the difficulties that against by the teachers. The literature review included the nature of teaching, certified teacher, instructional media, types of instructional media, and problems in choosing and using instructional media. Qualitative research as the approach and descriptive method implemented in this research. Observation sheets and a list of interview questions were utilized by the researcher as the instruments of the research. The observation was conducted six times in different classes of eighth grade. The interview questions were asked to two certified English teachers and six representative students from observed classes. The results of this research show that the certified English teachers using media when they are teaching English in the classroom: Realia and other printed media. By using the media in the classroom, the students become focused, interested, motivated, and increased their enthusiasm to study. The teachers encountered some difficulties such as a limited number of media in the school, the uncertain situation in the class, technical error when using the media, and being busy doing administrative activities outside teaching. The researcher suggests that the school authority should add more media, in both quantity and variety; and the teachers should use various media to expand their awareness of the importance and their experience of using instructional media.

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