JUDUL:Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Reading Short Stories. Sarjana’s thesis.

Mulyana, Muhammad Irfan. 2021. Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Reading Short Stories. Sarjana’s thesis. English Language Study Program, Faculty Teacher Training, And Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Elvina Arapah, M.Pd., The second advisor: Dr. Cayandrawati, M.A.


Keywords: self-regulated learning strategies, reading short stories


Self-regulated learning refers to learning that mostly occurs from the thoughts, feelings, strategies, and behaviors produced by the learners themselves which are aimed at achieving goals. Self-regulated learners plan, organize, direct themselves, and evaluate themselves at different levels of what they learn (BJ. Zimmerman, 1989). In English Language Education Study Program, the courses did not focus on advanced literature considering that the objective of the studies for faculty of teaching needs, to observe more about students point of view in literature, the researcher chose Self-regulated learning study, Good self-regulation can make problem-solving more efficient. Many features of self-regulation can be used as research or for self-development. This study aims to obtain descriptive information about Self-Regulated Learning Strategies used by the students of English Language Education Study Program Lambung Mangkurat University in reading Short Stories.

This research is a qualitative study. The data collection method is a questionnaire with open-ended questions which is expected to be exploratory, aiming for participants to more freely illustrate their process, the subjects of this study were 19 respondents in academic year 2018 and have completed an Extensive Reading Class. The data collection was conducted with a questionnaire that was adapted by  BJ. Zimmerman and Ponh (1988) and continued by Ruban & Leis (2006). 

Based on the result, it was found that  (1)  in the assesing task demand it was indicated that respondents are running self-evaluating well with the main problem being lack of focus and got distraction, (2) in the differentiating effort all respondents applied this strategy, with several variations of answers about how to determine the concept, (3) in the foreshadowing and taking initiative it can be concluded that respondents were applied the strategy of taking initiative well by providing answers that they made questions for them self, (4) in the organizing and transforming material the respondents used small notes-taking, their methods and treatments were varied in writing small notes, (5) in structuring physical environment, some stated firmly that respondents change the way they learn to suit the course requirements, (6) in the enhancing learning, the respondents in this study, applied an enhancing learning strategy proved by how active respondents were to explain and provide experiences to their explanations, (7) in memorizing and rehearsing, the respondents try to record or memorize the keywords that they think are important, (8) in the non-strategic behavior, the respondents conducted a non-strategic behavior strategy proved by the number of confirmations with varied explanations and different treatments, and (9) in the reviewing record, it can be concluded that some of the respondents do the review and often confused about the content.

It can be concluded that the students do the Self-Regulated Learning with applied sub-strategies and varied explanation and experiences, It is suggested that this study can be continued, such as student interest in literature, or student motivation in the subject of English literature



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