JUDUL:Students’ Ability In Identifying Passive Voice In Explanation Text By English Language Education Study Program Batch 2019 Of FKIP ULM Banjarmasin



Julianita, G.M. 2021. Students’ Ability In Identifying Passive Voice In Explanation Text By English Language Education Study Program Batch 2019 Of FKIP ULM Banjarmasin, Sarjana’s Thesis, English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. Advisor : (I) Dr. Nanik Mariani, M.Pd. ; (II) Rizky Amelia, M.Pd.


Keywords: ability, passive voice, reading text


Mastering passive voice is essential for the students in comprehending reading text which is commonly formed in report, explanation, and hortatory texts because those texts emphasize the verbs/actions/processes more than the subjects (doers). However, based on the previous observations and past experience, many first and second year students of the English Language Education Study Program still encounter difficulties in differentiating passive voice and active voice in text. Thus, this study focuses on analyzing the ability in identifying passive voice of the fourth semester students of the English Language Education Study Program in Lambung Mangkurat University.

Furthermore, this study employed a quantitative approach. A total of 81 students from three Intermediate Grammar classes were taken as the samples of this research. Moreover, in collecting the data the test was used. The students were given 45 minutes to complete the test given through Google Form.

From the analysis, the mean score obtained from the test is 57.51 since most students or 57 students (74.02%) get fairly good to very poor scores.  The results indicate that the ability of the fourth semester students in identifying passive voice in explanation texts is fair. In general, the majority of the students can identify passive voice from the reading texts correctly. However, they encounter difficulties when they are asked to change the active sentences to passive sentences. It also indicates that the students’ main difficulty in changing active sentences to passive sentences is related to their lack of understanding in constructing passive voice.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the students need to improve their understanding in constructing passive voice. In addition, this study offers a suggestion to employ Contextual Teaching and Learning as an approach in teaching passive voice.

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