JUDUL:Pengaruh pemberian Arang Sekam Padi dan Pupuk Kandang Kotoran Ayam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) di Lahan Kering Banjarbaru

Rice husk is a waste from the rice milling process that has the potential to be used as agricultural materials such as planting media, compost and other agricultural materials. Just like chicken poop is stockbreeding waste which are often not used by the public, even though the waste contains a lot of good element of hara to be used as ingredients and processed agricultural products. This study aims to determine the response of the growth and yield of cayenne pepper to several doses of rice husk charcoal and chicken manure fertilizer.This research was conducted from June to September 2019, located in the University of Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru. This study used a randomized block design (RAK) which consisted of 2 factors, the first factor is rice husk charcoal and the second factor is chicken manure fertilizer, from the combination of the first and second factors, 9 treatments and 3 replications were obtained so that 27 experimental units were obtained. The treatments applied were: A0 (husk charcoal 0 tons/ha), A1 (husk charcoal 2.5 tons/ha), A3 (husk charcoal 5 tons/ha) and P0 (chicken manure fertilizer 0 tons/ha P1 (chicken manure fertilizer 10 tons/ha), P2 (chicken manure fertilizer 20 tons/ha) with six observation parameters, namely: plant height, stem diameter, number of fruits, many fruits, many primary and secondary branches. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it shows that the administration of rice husk charcoal has a significant effect on the parameters of stem diameter, number of secondary branches, number of fruit and fruit weight. Meanwhile, chicken manure fertilizer has a significant effect on the parameters of many primary and secondary branches.

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