


NisaHartini Program Studi Perikanan Tangkap, KomposisidanKeanekaragamanHasilTangkapandiPerairan RawaDesaBangkauKabupatenHulu Sungai Selatandibawah bimbingan Siti Aminahsebagai ketua pembimbing dan AuliaAzhar Wahabsebagai anggota pembimbing.

            Desa Bangkau merupakan salah satu perairanrawa yang potensialsebagaipenghasil ikan di Kalimantan Selatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan pada musimpenghujan, mengetahui komposisi dan proporsihasiltangkapan dan menganalisis indeks keanekaragaman, keseragaman dan dominasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode experimental fishing yaituberupa uji coba operasipenangkapan ikan menggunakanalattangkap yang terdapat di DesaBangkaudenganpengambilansampel di setiaptitikdilakukan 3 kali denganselangwaktu 1 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, alat tangkap yang digunakan yaitu tempirai kawat, hancau, lalangit, pangilar dan sesuduk, hasiltangkapansebanyak 10 jenisyaitu sepat rawa (Trichopodus trichopterus) dengan presentase 49,38% dengan berat 10.013 g, sepat siam (Trichogaster pectoralis) presentase 28,19% dengan berat 5.718 g, biawan (Helostoma temminckii) presentase 1,77% dengan berat 359 g, papuyu (Anabas testudineus) presentase 13,75% dengan berat 2.789 g, kapar (Belontia hasselti) presentase 0,90% dengan berat 184 g, kihung (Channa lucius) dengan presentase 0,009% dengan berat 2 g, kelatau (Betta picta) presentase 1,17% dengan berat 239 g, kalunjungan (Dermogenys megarrhamphus) presentase 0,23% dengan berat 47 g, lele (Clarias batrachus) presentase 2,03% dengan berat 413 g dan belut (Monopterus albus) presentase 2,52% dengan berat 513 g. Indeks keanekaragaman 1,07 masuk kategori sedang, indeks keseragaman 0,47 yang termasukkategori populasi kecil komunitastertekan dan indeks dominasinya0,5 termasukdominansikomunitasnyalabil yang berartiterdapatspesies yang mendominansispesieslainnya.


Kata kunci : Komposisi, Keanekaragaman ikan, Alat Tangkap, Desa Bangkau



NisaHartiniDepartment of Capture Fisheries, Composition and Diversity of Catches in Swamp Waters in BangkauVillage, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency

under the guidanceSiti Aminah as the head advisorAuliaAzhar Wahabas an advisory member.

               Bangkau Village is one of the swamp waters that has the potential as a fish producer in South Kalimantan. The purpose of this study was to describe the types of fishing gear used in the rainy season, to determine the composition and proportion of catches and to analyze the diversity, uniformity and dominance indices. The method used is an experimental fishing method in the form of a trial of fishing operations using fishing gear found in Bangkau Village with sampling at each point carried out 3 times with an interval of 1 week. The results showed that the fishing gear used were tempirai kawat, hancau, lalangit, pangilar and sesuduk, the catches were 10 species, namely three spoot gourami (Trichopodus trichopterus) with a percentage of 4,38% with a weight of 10.013 g, snakeskin gourami (Trichogaster pectoralis) with a percentage of 10.013 g. 28,19% with a weight of 5.718 g, kissing gourami (Helostoma temminckii) with a percentage of 1,77% and a weight of 359 g, climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) with a percentage of 13,75% and a weight of 2.789 g, malay combtail (Belontia hasselti) a percentage of 0,90% with a weight 184 g, forest snakehead (Channa lucius) with a percentage of 0,009% with a weight of 2 g, kelatau (Betta picta) a percentage of 1,17% with a weight of 239 g, halfbeaks (Dermogenys megarrhamphus) 0,23% with a weight of 47 g, catfish (Clarias batrachus) percentage 2,03% weighing 413 g and eel (Monopterus albus) percentage 2,52% weighing 513 g. The diversity index of 1,07 is in the medium category, the uniformity index is 0,47 which belongs to the category of small population of depressed communities and the dominance index is 0,5 including the dominance of the unstable community which means that there are species that dominate other species.

Keywords :Composition, Fish Diversity, Fishing Gears, Bangkau Village

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