JUDUL:Status Kandungan Hara N, P dan K Pada Dua Tapak Lahan Dengan Produktivitas Tanaman Karet yang Berbeda di Desa Karang Intan Kecamatan Kuranji Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu

Macro nutrients such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphor (P) and Potassium (K)
are important nutrients in growth and productivity, rubber plant productivity
is often hampered because the availability of nutrients in the soil is not
sufficient for plant needs. Some rubber productivity results in Karang Intan
Village only reach 1,500-2,000 kg.ha- (Location A) and some reach
2,000-3,000 kg.ha- (Location B). Generally, the maximum yield of
superior latex clones reaches 2,500-3,000 kg.ha-
Rubber is Indonesia's mainstay plantation commodity, rubber has a very
large role in the national economy, especially as provider of jobs, rubber
plantations in Karang Intan Village are smallholder plantations. Given this
background, it is necessary to conduct this research with the aim of knowing
the status of N, P and K nutrients at location A (low productivity) and
location B (high productivity).
This research was carried out from July to September 2021. Sampling
using purposive sampling method, soil sampling in Karang Intan Village,
Kuranji District, analysis at the Soil Physics and Chemistry Laboratory,
Department of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University,
after that the data obtained from the results of the analysis categorized the
level of fertility (Soil Research Center, 1983).
The results showed that the Total-N, Total-P, Available-P, Total-K,
Available-K in Locations A and B were not significant (Ortogonal Contrast
Anova) so that these nutrients could not be used as factors that caused
differences in rubber plant productivity. Ammonium and nitrate in Location
B is higher than Location A, the difference in these values is a factor that
causes differences in the productivity of rubber plants in Karang Itan Village,
Kuranji District.

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