JUDUL:Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Selada (Lactuca Sativa L.) yang Diberi Perlakuan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Pada Sistem Hidroponik Sistem Sumbu

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L) is one of the vegetable crop commodities that contains a lot of nutrients and promising economic value. Cultivation of lettuce with its own axis hydroponic system does not require a large area of ??land, and its manufacture is simple. The source of nutrition in this axis hydroponic cultivation system is AB mix fertilizer. The continuous use of inorganic fertilizers can have a negative impact on consumers, plants, and even the environment, so to overcome the problem of using AB mix nutrients continuously, an environmentally friendly fertilizer is needed. Liquid organic fertilizer can be a solution in the use of ABmix nutrients. In addition, liquid organic fertilizer is an environmentally friendly fertilizer, and the ingredients for making organic fertilizer are widely available in nature. This study aims to determine the effect of giving POC on the growth and yield of lettuce (L sativa L). This research was carried out at the Beringin Complex RT 28 RW 05 No 69 Sungai Besar Village, Banjarbaru City, the research was carried out from October to December 2019. The research method used was a one-factor completely randomized design (CRD), namely liquid organic fertilizer. POC fertilization treatment for lettuce grand rapids with 4 treatments with POC administration, namely S1 (10 ml/l), S2 (20 ml/l), S3 (30 ml/l), S4 (40 ml/l) and 1 control treatment with giving AB mix fertilizer, namely S0 (5 ml/l). each of which was repeated 4 times to obtain 20 experimental units. The results of the study by giving a dose of POC 10 ml/l affected the growth and yield of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). At POC 10 ml/l, the nutrient content of nitrogen is 126 ppm, phosphorus is 79 ppm, potassium is 101 ppm, and the water pH is 5.35. Giving a dose of 10 ml/l POC gave the best effect on the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) height at 28 days after planting, which was 7.93 cm, number of leaves 5.88, leaf length 7.84 cm, and wet weight of lettuce plants 10.875. grams

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