JUDUL:Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Dari Daun Kirinyuh Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy Menggunakan Hidroponik Sistem Wick

Mustard huma or known as Pakcoy (Brassica shinenssis L.) is a leaf vegetable that has high economic value and good prospects. This plant can also be grown in the highlands and lowlands. Apart from being used as a cooking ingredient, pakcoy is also beneficial for health and beauty. The benefits of pakchoy are very good for relieving itching in the throat in cough sufferers, curing head ailments, blood purifier, improving kidney function, and improving and facilitating digestion, the seeds are used as oil and food delicacy (Haryanto et al., (1995) and Indariani (2003) in Fahrudin, (2009).

In Kalimantan, in general, the productivity of vegetable crops, especially pakcoy, is still very low. This can be caused by several factors, namely cultivation techniques carried out by farmers who are not intensive, climatic factors and low soil fertility levels. One of the efforts that can be done to increase crop production is using hydroponic technology.

Nutrients in a hydroponic system are provided in the form of a nutrient solution that is easily available to plants. The nutrients provided contain all the essential nutrients needed by plants to achieve optimal growth. The success factor for hydroponic vegetable cultivation is the nutrients used, nutrients are very important for success in hydroponic planting, because without nutrients plant growth will be hampered and can provide results and vegetable production that is not optimal (Perwitasari et al., 2012).

Kirinyuh leaf liquid organic fertilizer that can be used as nutrients for plants. Nutrient elements are divided into two, namely, macro nutrients and micro nutrients. According to Jamilah (2008), kirinyuh biomass contains nutrients of 2.65% N, 0.53% P and 1.9% K

This study used a single factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 (four) levels of kirinyuh leaf liquid fertilizer concentration treatment and control AB mix 1 (one) each and repeated 4 (four) times, in order to obtain 24 experimental units. p0 :AB mix (control), p1:20% (200 ml POC + 800 ml water), 30% (300 ml POC + 700 ml water), p3:40% (400 ml POC + 600 ml water), p4: 50% (500 ml POC + 500 ml water)

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