JUDUL:Teknologi Setek Batang Tanaman Lada (Piper nigrum L.) Menggunakan Komposisi Media Gambut dan Pupuk Organik Kotoran Kambing yang Berbeda

Peatlands have good prospects for use as agricultural land. Peatlands have many problems, one of which is high acidity. Organic goat manure is expected to be able to overcome the problem of peatlands. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of the combination of peat media and organic goat manure on the growth of pepper stem cuttings and to determine the best combination of peat media and goat manure organic fertilizer on the growth of pepper stem cuttings. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor. The factor studied was the composition of the planting medium (K), which consisted of five treatments, namely: k1 = 100% peat + 0% organic goat manure, k2 = 75% peat + 25% organic goat manure, k3 = 50% peat + 50% organic goat manure, k4 = 25% peat + 75% goat manure organic fertilizer, and k5 = 0% peat + 100% goat manure organic fertilizer. The results showed that the application of peat media composition and organic goat manure had an effect on the pH of the cutting media, the percentage of live cuttings, the number of shoots, shoot height, number of leaves and leaf width. In observing the pH of the cutting media, the treatment with 0% peat + 100% organic goat manure (k5) was the treatment with the best media pH, which was 6.50. In observing the percentage of live cuttings, number of shoots, shoot height, and number of leaves, the treatment of 50% peat + 50% organic goat manure (K3) was the best treatment, namely 70% live cuttings, 0.70 shoots, 4.4 cm high shoots, 1.08 leaves, and 2.69 cm leaf width.

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