JUDUL:Pengaruh Perbedaan Dosis PGPR Akar Purun Tikus Terhadap Pertumbuhan Stek Batang Cincau Hijau
PENGARANG:Abdi Norgani

Green grass jelly is a culinary processed plant and is beneficial for health. Seeing this, the demand for grass jelly has increased, but in South Kalimantan it has not been widely developed. Constraints in grass jelly cultivation due to the low role of ZPT. Purun rat is a plant endemic to the wetlands of South Kalimantan. Utilization of roots to be used as PGPR is expected to stimulate the growth of grass jelly cuttings. This study aims to determine the effect of soaking rat purun root PGPR with different doses on the growth of green grass jelly cuttings, to determine the best dose of rat purun root PGPR in increasing the growth of green grass jelly cuttings. This research was conducted at Wahana Kalimantan, North Loktabat, RT. 05 RW. 02 Banjarbaru from February to March 2022. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) 1 factor 4 treatment levels, namely P1 (100 ml.L-1), P2 (110 ml.L-1), P3 (120 ml. L-1) and P4 (130 ml.L-1) units experimental. The parameters observed in this study were the emergence of shoots, number of shoots, number of leaves, and leaf width. The best dose treatment for the growth of grass jelly stem cuttings based on the observed parameters was P4

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