JUDUL:Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Bibit Tomat Dalam Suspensi Pseudomonas Kelompok Flourescens dan Waktu Periode Aplikasi Terhadap Penekanan Serangan Penyakit Layu Pada Tanaman Tomat

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) as a vegetable commodity whose production is not always stable because there are various obstacles in the environment, both fast changing weather and pests and diseases (Trisnawati & Setiawan, 2001). Therefore, other control alternatives are needed, namely the use of biological agents. The use of biological agents has high potential to inhibit pathogen attack, is able to adapt and colonize plant roots. application of Pseudomonas fluorescens group to the soil is the right way to increase plant growth, it is also effective in controlling diseases caused by soil-borne pathogens. The purpose of this study was to determine the duration of immersion, the time of application period and the best interaction between treatments to suppress wilt disease in tomato seedlings. This research was conducted in Cempaka Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. This research started from January to March 2020. This study used a randomized block design of two different treatments, namely the variation of immersion and the application time of Pseudomonas fluorescens group. The results showed that the application of soaking tomato seedlings with Pseudomonas fluorescens group of 100 ml/L for 1 hour and application every 7 days (P2Q2) could reduce wilt disease from 38.33% to 20%, and increase the growth of tomato plant height.

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