JUDUL:FORMULASI TABLET KUNYAH HERBA KELAKAI (Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.f) Bedd) Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Pengisi Sorbitol-Laktosa


FORMULASI TABLET KUNYAH HERBA KELAKAI (Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.f) Bedd.) DENGAN VARIASI KONSENTRASI PENGISI SORBITOL-LAKTOSA (Oleh: Nadita Ayuni Prawita; Pembimbing: Prima Happy Ratnapuri & Destria Indah Sari; 38 halaman)

Kelakai (Sterochlaena palustris (Burm.F.) Bedd mempunyaikhasiat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan zat besi. Sediaan tablet kunyah dapat menutupi rasa pahit dari kelakai. Salah satu bahan yang penting dalam pembuatan tablet kunyah yaitu bahan pengisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan formulasi tablet kunyah herba kelakai dengan variasi konsentrasi sorbitol-laktosa sebagai bahan pengisi. Tablet kunyah herba kelakai dibuat dengan metode granulasi basah. Tablet kunyah dibuat menjadi 3 formulasi, formulasi I (Sorbitol 100%), formulasi II (Laktosa 100%), formulasi III (Sorbitol:Laktosa 75%:25%). Uji sifat fisik tablet meliputi uji organoleptik, keseragaman bobot, kadar air, kekerasan dan kerapuhan. Hasil evaluasi tablet berbentuk bulat, bau khas, rasa sedikit pahit dan terjadi mottling pada formulasi I dan III serta memiliki bobot yang seragam. Kadar air tablet formula I 4,53%, formula II 3,5% dan formula III 4,27%. Kekerasan tablet formula I 8,36 kg, formula II 6,69 kg dan formula III 7,64 kg. Kerapuhan tablet formula I 0,12%, formula II 0,11% dan formula III 0,12%. Nilai analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa kekerasan tablet terdapat perbedaan bermakna dan kadar air, kerapuhan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna.

Kata Kunci        : Kelakai (Sterochlaena palustris (Burm.F.), Tablet kunyah, Sorbitol-Laktosa, Granulasi basah, Uji sifat fisik tablet



FORMULATION OF CHEWABLE TABLET KELAKAI (Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.f) Bedd.) WITH VARIATIONS OF SORBITOL-LACTOSE FILLING CONCENTRATION (Writen By: Nadita Ayuni Prawita; Supervisors: Prima Happy Ratnapuri & Destria Indah Sari; 38 pages)

Kelakai (Sterochlaena palustris (Burm.F.) Bedd has various properties, namely, to meet the needs of iron. The preparation of chewable tablets can cover the bitter taste of kelakai itself. One of the essential ingredients in manufacturing chewable tablets is a filler. This study aims to determine the formulation of Chewable tablets with various concentrations of sorbitol-lactose as a filler. Chewable tablets for herbal anchovies were prepared using the wet granulation method. The chewable tablets were made into three formulations, formulation I (100% Sorbitol), formulation II (100% Lactose), and formulation III (Sorbitol: Lactose 75%:25%). The test of physical properties of tablets included organoleptic tests, weight uniformity, moisture content, hardness, and friability. The evaluation results of tablets were round in shape, characteristic odor, slightly bitter taste, and mottling occurred in formulations I and III and had uniform weight. Moisture content of the tablet formula I is 4.53%, formula II is 3.5% and formula III is 4.27%. Hardness of the tablet formula I is 8.36 kg, formula II is 6.69 kg and formula III is7.64 kg. Friability of formula I tablet is 0.12%, formula II is 0.11% and formula III is 0.12%.The value of statistical analysis showed a significant difference in tablet hardness and water content, but friability was no significant difference.

KeyWords       : Kelakai (Stenochlaena palustris (Burm. F.) Bedd.), Chewable tablet, Sorbitol-lactose, Wet granulation method, Physical properties test of tablets

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