JUDUL:Variabilitas Kadar Besi dan Aluminium Tukar Serta pH Tanah Pada Lahan Pasca Tambang PT. Bhumi Rantau Energi

Mining is an activity with a very large environmental change. This activity can result in environmental changes that can trigger chemical changes that have an impact on the quality of ground water and surface water. Reclamation and revegetation are activities carried out throughout the stages of the mining business to organize, restore, and improve the quality of the environment and ecosystem so that they can function again according to their designation. The purpose of this study was to determine the variability of exchangeable Al content, exchangeable Fe and soil pH in the reclamation and revegetation areas of post-coal mining areas of PT. Bhumi Rantau Energi. This research was carried out using descriptive-explorative method. The soil was sampled using purposive sampling in pairs between land that has been reclaimed and revegetated, with land that has been reclaimed and has not been revegetated. Soil sampling was carried out in composites. The plots where the samples of this study were taken were in Seam N 1, Rinjani C1 and Semeru compartments. The results showed that there was a real/significant increase in the average soil pH value from 4.99 on pre-revegetated land to 5.19 on post-revegetation land, a real/significant decrease in soil Al-dd from 3.9 me.100g-1 in pre revegetation land to 1.6 me.100g-1 in post revegetation land, and there was an insignificant decrease in dissolved Fe value from 63.8 ppm in pre revegetation land to 54.1 ppm in post revegetation land.

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