JUDUL:The Students' Perception on the use of Storytelling to Enhance Students' Speaking Performance at Lambung Mangkurat university

Hilmatun Nadiya. 2022. The Students’ Perception on the Use of Storytelling to Enhance Students’ Speaking Performance at Lambung Mangkurat UniversitySarjana’s Thesis. English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Dr. Hj. Noor Eka Chandra, M.pd., the second advisor: Dini Noor AriniM.Pd

keywords: storytelling, students's perception, speaking performance


Speaking is crucial to the process of learning and intellectual development; nevertheless, students experience a number of difficulties when attempting to acquire this ability. Storytelling is a well-known technique for improving students' speaking abilities. This study seeks to determine how students perceive the use of storytelling to improve speaking skills.

This research used descriptive quantitative technique. the data obtained from questionnaire and interview were analysis quantitatively. Moreover, this research was conducted at English Language Education Study, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, University of Lambung Mangkurat. The participants were students of English Language Education Study Program batch 2019. the data of this study was gathered by an lose -ended questionnaire and interview.

The result reports that students at English Language Education Study, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, University of LambungMangkurat toward storytelling in enhancing their speaking performance. This is shown by the mean from data questionnaire is 3,2 which means categorized in positive response. Also, from students’ perception in their previous experience that storytelling does not only help to develop their performance but at the same time, it also helped to improve their pronunciation, grammar, and interaction skills and help to boost their vocabulary. It can be concluded that the used of storytelling can enhance students’ speaking performance.

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