JUDUL:The Correlation of Students Reading Habit to Their Writing Achievement at Eighth Class Students in SMP Negeri 31 Banjarmasin

Reading is one of the crucial skills to be learned. When reading is repeated continuously, it will become a reading habit. Many experts have claimed that reading habits can help students achieve better writing, and writing would improve naturally based on what students read. In fact, the lack of practical writing in junior high school, this skill was considered problematic. This research aims to analyze whether there is a correlation or no correlation of students’ reading habits to their writing achievement. The research was conducted on eighth-class students in SMP Negeri 31 Banjarmasin 2020/2021.

This research used correlative design with quantitative descriptive approach. Twenty items of the questionnaire were used to see the students’ reading habit level, and a test was used to see the students’ writing achievement level in descriptive text. The data were analyzed by using Pearson’s Product Moment.

The result of the questionnaire showed that students have high reading habits. The majority of students enjoyed reading English through online sources; they recognized the importance of reading to their achievement in writing. Meanwhile, writing descriptive text showed that students have average writing achievement. Among five components in writing: organization, content, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics, students still need improvement in organization and mechanics as they did not put the title of the text, and did not use capital letters and period on their sentences. Pearson Correlation between students’ reading habits and their writing achievement is 0.172, which is interpreted as very low correlation. The determination correlation showed that reading habit only affected 2.9% of students’ writing achievement. Therefore, it can be concluded that reading played a minor role in students’ writing achievement. Based on the research, it is recommended that the English teachers motivate students in reading and improve their teaching and learning activity in writing to make the students have better achievement.

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