JUDUL:Pengaruh Pemberian Pukan Sapi dan Kotoran Walet terhadap Ketersediaan Hara N, P, K dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Rawit Hiyung (Capsicum frutescens L.) di Lahan Gambut.

Peatlands have been widely used as agricultural land for food crops and horticultural crops such as chili cultivation in Kalimantan can be done on peatlands. The obstacle that often occurs is the high level of acidity in the soil, which results in the unavailability of macro and micro nutrients needed by plants. This study aims to determine the effect and the best treatment of cow manure and swallow droppings on the availability of nutrients N, P, K and growth of Hiyung cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) on peatlands. This research is an experiment in pots using a single factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD.), where there are six treatments : 1).Control without treatment, 2).Cow manure 5 ton.ha.-1, 3).Swallow droppings 5 ton.ha-1, 4).Cow manure 2,5 ton.ha-1 + Swallow droppings 2,5 tons.ha-1, 5).Cow manure 5 ton.ha.-1 + Swallow droppings 2,5 ton.ha-1., 6).Cow manure 2,5 ton.ha-1 + Swallow droppings 5 ton.ha-1,and repeated 4 times, so that obtained 24 experimental units. The results of this study indicate that the application of cow manure and swallow droppings on peatlands can increase the availability of N-NH4+, N-NO3-, P-available soil, and flower emergence time of Hiyung cayenne pepper, but it is not able to increase K-available soil and Dry weight of Hiyung cayenne pepper.Treatment of Swallow droppings 5 ton.ha-1, showed the highest yield on the availability of N-NH4+ and N-NO3-,while the treatment of cow manure 2,5 ton.ha-1 + swallow droppings 5 ton.ha-1, showed the highest yield on P available soil and Flower emergence time of Hiyung cayenne pepper on peatlands.

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