JUDUL:Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.) Terhadap Berbagai Tekstur dan Tinggi Kolom Media Tanam Secara Hidroponik
PENGARANG:Nurul Jazimah

Water stress is one of the obstacles faced in the cultivation of mustard

plants. Thus, it is necessary to improve cultivation techniques that are

oriented towards increasing the carrying capacity of the land and

controlling water loss due to evaporation. The cultivation technique that

can be done is hydroponic cultivation. This study aims to determine the

combination of various textures and column heights of hydroponic

growing media on the response and yield of mustard plant growth.

The environmental design used was a completely randomized design

(CRD) with two factorial treatment. The first factor is the texture of the

media with various ratios, namely T1 = Clay : Sand (1 : 3), T2 = Clay :

Sand (2 : 2), and T3 = Clay : Sand (3 : 1). The second factor is the height

of the media column, namely H1 = 25 cm, H2 = 30 cm, and H3 = 35 cm.

All treatments were repeated three times, there were 27 experimental


The results showed that various textures and column heights of

hydroponic growing media affected the wet weight of the mustard plant,

but did not affect the height and dry weight of the mustard plant. There

was one pair of treatment combinations that had the best response to the

growth and yield of mustard greens, namely T1H3 with an average plant

height of 27.40 cm, wet weight 19.07 grams, and dry weight 1.90 grams.

In addition, there is a relationship between the combination of various

textures and column heights of planting media with soil moisture content,

bulk density, particle density, and soil porosity.

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