JUDUL:The Teachers' Challenges on Teaching English Subject at MTsN 4 Tanah Laut During The Pandemic Era of Covid-19

Nesia Alvida. 2022. The Teachers' Challenges on Teaching English Subject at MTsN 4 Tanah Laut During The Pandemic Era of Covid-19. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Dr. Cayandrawati Sutiono, M.A., the second advisor: Dr. Novita Triana, M.A


Keywords:Covid-19 pandemic, challenges, teaching online, online learning solution


This pandemic has changed several aspects of human life throughout the world. Some aspects such as economics, society, politics, and education. At the same time, students also have to learn from home. No face-to-face (offline) interaction between students and teachers but through online learning. The subject of this research is one English teacher who is most actively teaching online at MTsN 4 Tanah Laut. This research applies a descriptive qualitative method. The data were gathered from observation and interview.

The findings showed that there were five challenges faced by the English teacher in teaching English, namely managing all online classes, limited media in teaching speaking skills in online classes, limited media in teaching listening skills in online classes, limited internet access, and students who were not active in class. Furthermore, the teacher also gave solutions for each challenge mentioned before, namely, the teacher remains active and continued her class, the teacher suggested for the students to change the provider used by the student because the area where students live is known as a place that is difficult to get internet access, and for making students active in the online class, the teacher asks in Indonesian the same question (previously using English) so that students could be brave in answering the teacher's questions and giving rewards.

In the end, this research is expected to be useful for English teachers to improve the quality and effectiveness of learning during online learning, for students to increase awareness to respond and ask teachers when they do not understand the materials given, and also for the schools to apply to the maximum, supporting infrastructure and facilities, and also it is suggested that the teacher's teaching schedule is made with different hours and days for all classes, not all classes are taught for one day so that learning will run well and optimally.

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