JUDUL:Teachers' Perspective on Problems in Conducting Online Teaching and Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic in SMA KORPRI Banjarmasin



Kurniawan, M. A.2022. Teachers’ Perspective on Problems in Conducting Online Teaching and Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic in SMA KORPRI Banjarmasin. English Language Education Study Program. Sarjana Program of Lambung Mangkurat University of Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Prof. Dr. Fatchul Mu'in, M.Hum, the second advisor: Fahmi Hidayat, M.Pd.

Keywords: Teachers' perspective, online learning, teaching problems, teachers’ strategy


Since the pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) in 2020, the education system in Indonesia has transferred to remote teaching. This study examines the teacher’s views and strategies in online teaching and learning problems faced by SMA KORPRI Banjarmasin during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. The participants of this study were the teachers of SMA KORPRI Banjarmasin, consisting of two persons.

This research uses an open-ended questionnaire as the main instrument and interviews as the second instrument. Data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusions were used to analyze data. Theoretical triangulation, credibility, and dependability are used as the research's trustworthiness.

Based on the research data, there are five aspects of online teaching and learning problems: teaching time and durations, teachers’ strategy and students’ behavior, teachers’ competency, accessibility problems, and technical support examined by the researcher according to the participants' perspective. Regarding teaching time and durations, the researcher found that the time is not enough to deliver teaching materials to the students due to the shortness of the duration in online learning. In teachers’ strategy and students’ behavior, the teachers use various strategies in online learning, and the students are likely to show boredom, stress, and anxiety. In teachers’ competency, they argued this is the new learning process running in education which is not practical since not all students do not understand using ICT. Yet, the teachers’ were already competent in understanding ICT. In accessibility problems, the teacher is concerned that online learning requires an internet connection that needs stable internet data or wi-fi connections. From technical support is the unstable connection in using devices and applications provided by the instance during online learning. Furthermore, the strategy used by the teachers to overcome students' behavior problems is that teachers support their students. Based on the research finding, the researcher suggests that the teachers need to master the online teaching-learning process, awareness of internet connections, device malfunction, and give the students motivation to learn during the pandemic situation.

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