



Birhasani, Muhammad. 2022. Hubungan antara Kepemimpinan Instruksional Kepala Sekolah, Motivasi Berprestasi, dan Kinerja Guru melalui Kepuasan Kerja di Sekolah Dasar Negeri se-Kecamatan Kandangan Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan. Program Magister Administrasi Pendidikan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin. Pembimbing I: Drs. Sulaiman, M.Pd, Ph.D. Pembimbing II: Dr. H. Metroyadi, SH, M.Pd.


Kata Kunci: Instruksional, Motivasi, Kepuasan, Kinerja Guru


Kinerja guru pada dasarnya adalah kemampuan dan usaha guru untuk melaksanakan tugas pembelajaran sebaik-baiknya dalam perencanaan program pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan secara langsung dan tidak langsung antara kepemimpinan instruksional kepala sekolah, motivasi berprestasi, dan kinerja guru melalui kepuasan kerja di SDN Kecamatan Kandangan.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif koresionaldengan pendekatan kuantitatifyang diformulakan ke dalam model analisis jalur (path analysis). Populasi penelitian sebanyak 384 guru dan diambil 196 responden sebagai sampel penelitian menggunakan rumus alokasi proporsional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen kuesioner dan analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik, uji hipotesis, dan analisis jalur (path analysis).

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisien regresi variabel adalah angka positif seperti kepemimpinan instruksional kepala sekolah (X1) dan kinerja guru (Y) sebesar 0,374, kepemimpinan instruksional kepala sekolah (X1) dan kepuasan kerja (Z) sebesar 0,329, motivasi berprestasi (X2) dan kinerja guru (Y) sebesar 0,428, motivasi berprestasi (X2) dan kepuasan kerja (Z) sebesar 0,228, kepuasan kerja (Z) dan kinerja guru (Y) sebesar 0,166, kepemimpinan instruksional kepala sekolah (X1) dan kinerja guru (Y) melalui kepuasan kerja (Z) sebesar 0,055 dan motivasi berprestasi (X2) dan kinerja guru (Y) melalui kepuasan kerja (Z) sebesar 0,038.

.Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah deskripsi kepemimpinan instruksional kepala sekolah, motivasi berprestasi, kepuasan kerja, dan kinerja guru SDN Kecamatan Kandangan termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Terdapat hubungan langsung yang signifikan antara kepemimpinan instruksional kepala sekolah, motivasi berprestasi dan kepuasan kerja dengan kinerja guru. Terdapat hubungan tidak langsung antara kepemimpinan instruksional kepala sekolah dan motivasi berprestasi dengan kinerja guru melalui kepuasan kerja di SDN Kecamatan Kandangan. SaranDinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan memanfaatkan hasil penelitian ini untuk melakukan dasar kebijakan strategis di masa mendatang perihal kinerja guru, bagi kepala sekolah lebih meningkatkan pengawasan dan pembinaan terhadap guru dalam usaha meningkatkan kinerja dan bagi guru untuk lebih perlu adanya peningkatan dalam hal kreatifitas dan inovasi dan memiliki strategi dan metode penilaian  untuk memantau kemajuan dan hasil belajar peserta didik.




Birhasani, Muhammad. 2021. The Relationship between Principal Instructional Leadership, Achievement Motivation and Teacher Performance through Job Satisfaction in SDN se-Kecamatan Kandangan Hulu Sungai Selatan District. Masters Program in Educational Administration at Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin. Advisor I: Drs. Sulaiman, M.Pd, Ph.D. Advisor II: Dr. H. Metroyadi, SH, M.Pd.


Keywords: Instructional, Motivation, Satisfaction, Teacher Performance


Teacher performance is basically the ability and effort of teachers to carry out learning tasks as well as possible in planning learning programs. The purpose of this study was to analyze the direct and indirect relationship between the principal's instructional leadership, achievement motivation and teacher performance through Job Satisfaction at SDN Se-Kecamatan Kandangan.

The method used in this study is a correlational descriptive with a quantitative approach which is formulated into a path analysis model. The research population was 384 teachers and 196 respondents were taken as research samples using the proportional allocation formula. Collecting data using a questionnaire instrument and data analysis using descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, hypothesis testing and path analysis.

The results of this study indicate that the value of the variable regression coefficient is a positive number such as the principal's instructional leadership (X1) and teacher performance (Y) of 0.374, the principal's instructional leadership (X1) and job satisfaction (Z) of 0.329, achievement motivation (X2) and teacher performance (Y) of 0.428, achievement motivation (X2) and job satisfaction (Z) of 0.228, job satisfaction (Z) and teacher performance (Y) of 0.166, principal instructional leadership (X1) and teacher performance (Y) through job satisfaction (Z) of 0.055 and achievement motivation (X2) and teacher performance (Y) through job satisfaction of 0.038

The conclusion of this study is that the description of the principal's instructional leadership, achievement motivation, job satisfaction, and teacher performance at SDN se-Kecamatan Kandangan is included in the high category. There is a significant direct relationship between the principal's instructional leadership, achievement motivation and job satisfaction on teacher performance. There is an indirect relationship between the principal's instructional leadership and achievement motivation with teacher performance through job satisfaction at SDN Kandangan Sub District. The suggestion of the Department of education and culture of Hulu Sungai Selatan districtis to use the results of this research to base strategic policies in the future regarding teacher performance, for school principals to further improve supervision and guidance for teachers in an effort to improve performance and for teachers to further need to improve in terms of creativity and innovation and have strategies and assessment method to monitor the progress and learning outcomes of students.


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