JUDUL:Variasi perlakuan pupuk kandang kotoran ayam terhadap mutu bokashi purun tikus (Eleocharis dulcis)

Purun rat is a wild plant that can adapt well to acid sulphate tidal swamp land. This plant has many benefits. One of the benefits of purun rat can be used as the main ingredient in making bokashi. The title of this study is the variation of chicken manure manure treatment on the quality of bokashi purun mice (Eleocharis dulcis). This study aims to determine the exact formulation of the variation of chicken manure manure treatment on the quality of bokashi purun rat (Eleocharis dulcis) and to determine the quality of bokashi purun rat (Eleocharis dulcis) according to the criteria of SNI 19-7030-2004 organic fertilizer. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, namely the manufacture of bokashi from purun mice. Consists of 4 treatments and repeated 5 times, so there are 20 experimental units. The treatments were P0 = 100% rat purun, P1 = 75% rat purun + 25% chicken manure, P2 = 50% rat purun + 50% chicken manure and P3: 25% rat purun + 75% chicken manure. The results of the research carried out can be obtained that the appropriate formulation of the variation of chicken manure treatment on the quality of bokashi purun mice (Eleocharis dulcis) is the P2 treatment (50% purun rat + 50% chicken manure) and the quality of bokashi purun rats according to SNI criteria. 19-7030-2004 organic fertilizer was in the P2 treatment (50% purun rat + 50% chicken manure).

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