JUDUL:Meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa materi gaya dan gerak menggunakan kombinasi model problem based learning dan group investigation pada siswa kelas IV SDN SUNGAI JINGAH 1 Banjarmasin
PENGARANG:Era Yulita Sari




Sari Era Yulita , ( 2022 ) .  Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Style and Movement Materials Using a Combination of Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Group Investigation (GI) Models for Fourth Grade Students at Sungai Jinggah 1 Elementary School, North Banjarmasin.  Thesis Prosun S1 Pre-Elementary and Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin, Supervisor : Drs.  Radiansyah, M.Pd. 

 Keywords : Student Learning Outcomes , Angle Measurement , Combination of Problem Based Learning ( PBL ) and Group Investigation ( GI ) Models

         The problem in this research is the low learning activity and learning outcomes .  students on the material of angle measurement.  This is due to the learning that is carried out only using the delivery method without any demonstration.  one-way learning and students are not directly involved so that students do not get concrete experience in learning.  Efforts to overcome this problem are through a combination of Problem Based Learning ( PBL ) and Group Investigation ( GI ) models .  

          The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement in the quality of teacher activity, analyze the increase in student activity and analyze the improvement in learning outcomes.  This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted in 2 meetings.  The subjects of this study were fourth grade students of Sungai Jinggah I Elementary School, North Banjarmasin, totaling 10 students consisting of 7 male students and 3 female students in the second semester of the 2021/2022 academic year.  This study uses a quantitative approach .  

            The data taken are qualitative data, obtained through observing teacher and student activities and then using quantitative data obtained through written tests in groups and individually.  The results showed that the quality of teacher activity at meeting 1 got a score of 24 (good) increased to 34 (very good) at meeting 4, classical student activity reached 30% (less active) at meeting 1 and increased to 100% at meeting 4,  and learning outcomes classically reached 30 % at the 1st meeting and increased to 100 % at the 4th meeting .  

           Based on the results of this study , it can be concluded that with the teacher 's activities carried out very well. Individual and classical completeness.  It is suggested that the use of a combination of Problem Based Leaning ( PBL ) and Group Investigation ( GI) learning models can be used as an alternative in increasing student activity which has an impact on improving student learning outcomes .

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