JUDUL:Strategi Guru Dalam Mengembangkan Bakat Siswa Tunarungu Kelas X SLB Negeri Tabalong

The research is based on the problem of educators' strategies in developing the talents of deaf students in class X SLB Negeri Tabalong which requires teachers to develop the best possible strategies to support the activities of developing the talents of deaf students in schools.  The purpose of the research is to describe or explain the strategies and obstacles of educators in developing the talents of deaf students.  The research establishes a qualitative approach through descriptive research.  The sources of research data are four educators who have special skills including two sewing skills teachers and two cooking skills teachers (tataboga).  Research data collection determines interview techniques with resource persons and documentation.  This research determines the data analysis method for data reduction, data submission and confirmation/conclusion.  The method of data validity determines the triangulation of data sources obtained from two sewing skills teachers and two cooking skills teachers (tataboga).  The research shows the results of the educator's strategy in growing the talents of deaf children in class X SLB Tabalong State, which begins with the process of identifying students' talents.  Then the class teacher will coordinate with the special skills teacher to develop a suitable strategy in the process of developing student talent.  The strategy used is to give special attention, support, and motivation to students to focus and pursue their talents.  The obstacles faced by teachers in developing these strategies can be classified into factors, namely internal factors, namely the unstable emotional condition or mood of students and the presence of students and external factors, namely the lack of teacher ability in sign language, making it difficult for both of them to communicate more intensely.

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