JUDUL:Kinerja Pegawai ( ASN ) Dinas Sosial dalam penyaluran Dana Bansos terdampak Pandemi 2020 Di Kota Banjarmasin





Dinas Sosial Dalam Penyaluran Dana Bansos Terdampak Covid 19 2020 diKota Banjarmasin. Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Fakultas Ilmu Sosialdan Politik,Jurusan Pemerintahan.Pembimbing BapakJamaluddin.


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1 untuk mengetahuai kinerja Dinas Sosialdalam penyaluran dana Bansos terdampak covid 19 2020 serta mengetahuai faktoryangmenghambatdalampenyalurandiKota Banjarmasin


Metodepenelitanmenggunakanpendekatankualitatifdenganmetodedeskriptif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer hasil yangdidapatkan langsung dari lapangan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu kepalaDinasSosial,KabidLimjansosdanstafpegawai.Teknikpengumpulandatamenggunakan wawancara, dan dokumentasi, Analisis data menggunakan analisisinteraktifuntukmenemukandata reduksi,data displaydanverifikasi.


HasilpenelitiankinerjaDinasSosialdalampenyalurandanaBansosterdampakcovid192020diKotaBanjarmasindiketahuibahwamerekamelaksanakanpekerjaansesuaidenganprosedursaatadamasalahlangsungmerubah data yang salah sasaran. Faktor yang menghambat kinerja Dinas Sosialdalam penyaluran dana Bansos terdampak covid 19 2020 di Kota Banjarmasinyaitu masih kurangnya tenaga IT dalam pembaharuan data penerima dana Bansossehingga kerja sama mereka dengan orang IT dari Kementerian Informasi danKomunikasiyangdipinjamkan.





Kata Kunci: Kinerja Pegawai (ASN), Dinas Sosial, Penyaluran Dana Bansos,TerdampakPandemi





ERIKA PRISKILABARS, 1710413620020, 2022, Performance of Social ServiceEmployees (ASN) in Distributing Social Assistance Funds Affected by Covid 192020 in Banjarmasin City. Lambung Mangkurat University, Faculty of Socialand Political Sciences,DepartmentofGovernment.Mr.Jamaluddin.

The purpose of this study is 1 to find out the performance of the SocialService in distributing social assistance funds affected by covid 19 2020 and tofindoutthefactors thathinderthedistributioninthecity ofBanjarmasin.

Theresearchmethodusesaqualitativeapproachwithadescriptivemethod. The data used in this study is primary data obtained directly from thefield. The data sources in this study were the head of the Social Service, the Headof the Limjansos and staff employees. Data collection techniques used interviews,anddocumentation.Dataanalysisusedinteractiveanalysistofinddatareduction,displayandverificationdata.

TheresultsofresearchontheperformanceoftheSocialServiceindistributing social assistance funds affected by COVID-19 2020 in the City ofBanjarmasin are known that they carry out work according to procedures whenthere are problems, they immediately change the wrong data. The factor thathinders the performance of the Social Service in distributing social assistancefunds affected by covid 19 2020 in Banjarmasin City is the lack of IT personnel inupdating data on social assistance recipients so that their collaboration with ITpeople from theMinistry ofInformationandCommunicationisonloan.

Itisrecommendedtoimprovetheadministrativesystemrelatedtoadministration within the scope of service and distribution of social assistancefundsaffectedbycovid192020inthe cityofBanjarmasin.



Keywords : Employee Performance (ASN), Social Service, Distribution ofSocialAssistanceFunds,ImpactedbyPandemic

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