JUDUL:Karakteristik Morfologi Sungkai (Peronema canescent Jack) Pada Lingkungan Tumbuh Yang Berbeda



MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATION OF SUNGKAI (Paronema canescent Jack) UNDER DIFFERENT GROWING ENVIRONMENTS. (By: Dea Aulya; Supervisors: Sasi Gendro Sari and Gunawan ; 2022; 40 pages)


Sungkai belongs to the Verbenaceae family which has potential as a medicine and as a furniture material. Therefore, it is necessary to characterize the morphological characters of rivers at different locations. The study described variations of sungkai morphology in different growing environments at five locations, namely the BPSILHK (Banjarbaru), Mandi Angin site, ULM Forestry Campus (Banjarbaru), Tambarangan Village (South Tapin) and Bungur Village (Tapin). Morphological characters were observed stems and leaves. The observed environmental parameters were measured directly in the field and the secondary data were taken from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) for the year 2021-2022 were analyzed by principal component analysis using Minitab 16 software. The morphological similarities of sungkai were analyzed by the MVSP version 3.2 program to make the dendogram. The dendogram described two group which were showed that the first category had similarity from four locations. Then, the second cluster differed of leaf edged from tambarangan village. The larger leaf sizes was from Mandi Angin site has a larger leaf size of 32 cm and a width of 7.3 cm; BPSILHK 18.2 cm long and 5.2 cm wide; The ULM campus is 16.4 cm long and 5.6 cm wide; Tambarangan village is 14.8 cm long and 4.8 cm wide; 17.3 and 5 cm wide. Moreover sungkai morphology was closely related to the environmental factors. Correlated environmental factors are air temperature and rainfall.

Keywords:Environmental factor, sungkai, habitat, morphology

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