JUDUL:The Implementation Of English Song As Media In Teaching Simple Present Tense For The Seventh Grade Students Of Mts AR-RAHMAH


Wardah, Dewi 2022. The Implementation Of English Song As Media In Teaching Simple Present Tense For The Seventh Grade Students Of Mts AR-RAHMAH EnglishDepartment, Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education, Lambung MangkuratUniversity, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Dr. Hj. Noor Eka Chandra, M.Pd., thesecondadvisor: Emma Rosana Febriyanti,M.Pd

Keywords:English Song, grammar ,simple present tense, narrative study

Tense is one of the grammatical features in learning English. The researcher focuses on the simple present tense research. The teacher in MTs Ar-Rahmah usually uses the lecture method in teaching simple present tense. The researcher choose MTs Ar-Rahmah as the subject because the teacher never yet teaching grammar simple present tense by using English song.

The researcher used descriptive qualitative to determine how teaching simple present tense was implemented using a song for the seventh-grade students of MTs Ar- Rahmah. The data were taken to analyze a phenomenon by focusing on what the respondents experienced naturally. The analysis approach of this research depends on the descriptive one. The subjects of this research were seventh-grade students and teacher of MTs Ar-Rahmah. The instruments of this research are observation and interview. In this research, the researcher collects the data by using interview sheets and observation sheet. The researcher analysed the data from the observation and interview for teacher.

Findings of the research show that the teacher never yet uses English song as media in teaching simple present tense. The teacher usually uses lecturing method in teaching grammar. So, the students still confused to use subject and to be of simple present tense correctly. The observation indicated that the students were more motivated and enthusiastic about joining the English teaching process while teaching. From another observation, the researcher found the students more interested in joining the English teaching-learning process while teaching. In while-teaching, the students paid great attention to the simple present tense that is in the lyrics. The researcher concluded that: The implementation of teaching simple present tense using a song for seventh-grade students in MTS Ar-Rahmah was good. The implementation of teaching simple present tense through songs has been applied well in the classroom.

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