JUDUL:Eksplorasi Vegetasi Herba Berpotensi Menyerap Logam Berat di Areal Lahan Pasca Tambang Batubara
PENGARANG:Aulia Meysa Putri




The high acidity of acid mine drainage has a negative effect on the ecosystem. Acid mine water can dissolve aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu) or cadmium (Cd) in the soil. Plants that can absorb heavy metals can be used as phytoremediators. This study aims to determine the potential and ability of metal uptake in shrubs on post-coal mining land. This research is exploratory research with a descriptive quantitative analysis. The study were made on the content of heavy metal compounds in soil and plants (Al, Cd, Fe, and Mn), and the presence of herbaceous vegetation (frequency and density). The result showed that there are 3 types of vegetation that have the highest frequency, density, and ability to absorb metal compounds, namely asu beans (Calopogonium mucunoides), needle grass (Cynodon dactylon L.), and lamuran dew grass (Polytrias amaura). Fe bioconcentration factors (BCF) in asu beans> needle grass > lamuran dew grass. On the other hand, the BCF value of Mn in asu beans<needle grass<lamuran dew grass. The BCF value of Al in lamuran dew grass < asu beans < needle grass. Based on the BCF value, the three vegetations are included in the category of excluder of Fe, Al and Mn metals. All vegetation excluding hyperaccumulator plants.






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