JUDUL:Pre-Service English Teachers’ Challenges in Implementing Limited Face-to-Face Teaching Practice



Lismawati. 2023. Pre-Service English Teachers’ Challenges in Implementing Limited Face-to-Face Teaching Practice. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Dr. Cayandrawati Sutiono, M. A., the second advisor: Raisa Fadilla, M. Pd 

Keywords: pre-service teacher, teaching challenges, limited face-to-face learning, teaching practice

The implementation of teaching practice program for ELESP pre-service teachers batch 2018 in 2021/2022 academic year has significant difference from the previous year. The difference can be spotted in the change of the learning system from online learning into limited face-to-face learning. Certain regulations during limited face-to-face learning have influenced the emergence of teaching challenges that should be faced by pre-service teachers. The research problem focused on discovering the challenges faced by ELESP pre-service teachers batch 2018 in implementing limited face-to-face teaching practice. 

The researcher applied descriptive qualitative approach and selected two pre-service teachers that carried out teaching practice in SMPN 6 Banjarmasin and SMPN 25 Banjarmasin as the subjects of the research. The researcher used interview to collect research data and applied interactive model of Miles and Huberman during data analysis.

Findings of the research showed that pre-service teachers faced several challenges in implementing limited face-to-face teaching practice. Firstly, pre-service teachers faced challenges that related to time management. For example, pre-service teachers could not completely carry out post-activity in the first and second meetings. Secondly, challenges during teaching process in the classroom. The challenges consisted of challenges in designing activities for the lesson plan, determining suitable teaching methods, adjusting teaching materials in accordance with the short time allocation, difficulty to apply variety of teaching strategies due to the time matter, challenges in assessing students’ skills, and lack of supporting facility. Lastly, teaching challenges due to students’ low basic competence of English subject, students’ lack of concentration and motivation, and variety of students’ characteristics, personality, and learning style. The researcher suggests that pre-service teachers should be trained on how to manage limited time of teaching by having some possible plans before implementing teaching practice program so that they can overcome the challenges during teaching practice.

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